8 분 소요

시카고 범죄율을 예측해 보자 ( Facebook 의 Prophet 라이브러리 활용 )


  • The Chicago Crime dataset : 2001 ~ 2017.
  • Datasource: 캐글 https://www.kaggle.com/currie32/crimes-in-chicago
  • Dataset contains the following columns:
    • ID: Unique identifier for the record.
    • Case Number: The Chicago Police Department RD Number (Records Division Number), which is unique to the incident.
    • Date: Date when the incident occurred.
    • Block: address where the incident occurred
    • IUCR: The Illinois Unifrom Crime Reporting code.
    • Primary Type: The primary description of the IUCR code.
    • Description: The secondary description of the IUCR code, a subcategory of the primary description.
    • Location Description: Description of the location where the incident occurred.
    • Arrest: Indicates whether an arrest was made.
    • Domestic: Indicates whether the incident was domestic-related as defined by the Illinois Domestic Violence Act.
    • Beat: Indicates the beat where the incident occurred. A beat is the smallest police geographic area – each beat has a dedicated police beat car.
    • District: Indicates the police district where the incident occurred.
    • Ward: The ward (City Council district) where the incident occurred.
    • Community Area: Indicates the community area where the incident occurred. Chicago has 77 community areas.
    • FBI Code: Indicates the crime classification as outlined in the FBI’s National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS).
    • X Coordinate: The x coordinate of the location where the incident occurred in State Plane Illinois East NAD 1983 projection.
    • Y Coordinate: The y coordinate of the location where the incident occurred in State Plane Illinois East NAD 1983 projection.
    • Year: Year the incident occurred.
    • Updated On: Date and time the record was last updated.
    • Latitude: The latitude of the location where the incident occurred. This location is shifted from the actual location for partial redaction but falls on the same block.
    • Longitude: The longitude of the location where the incident occurred. This location is shifted from the actual location for partial redaction but falls on the same block.
    • Location: The location where the incident occurred in a format that allows for creation of maps and other geographic operations on this data portal. This location is shifted from the actual location for partial redaction but falls on the same block.

페이스북에서 만든 오픈소스 Prophet 라이브러리

  • Seasonal time series data를 분석할 수 있는 딥러닝 라이브러리다.

  • 프로펫 공식 레이지 : https://research.fb.com/prophet-forecasting-at-scale/ https://facebook.github.io/prophet/docs/quick_start.html#python-api

코랩에는 자동으로 prophet이 설치되어 있다. 따라서 다른 환경에서 설치 되어있지 않다면, 다음처럼 설치하면 된다.

  • pip install fbprophet

  • 위의 pip 설치 시 에러가 나면 다음처럼 설치해 준다 : conda install -c conda-forge fbprophet


import pandas as pd 
import numpy as np 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import random
import seaborn as sns
from fbprophet import Prophet

from google.colab import drive
Mounted at /content/drive
import os
# Chicago_Crimes_2005_to_2007.csv 
# Chicago_Crimes_2008_to_2011.csv
# Chicago_Crimes_2012_to_2017.csv 파일을 읽되, 
# 각각 파라미터 error_bad_lines=False 추가 해준다.
# ParserError => error_bad_lines=Fasle를 통하여  
# 이상한 데이터만 빼고 다 살릴수가 있다.

chicago_df_1 = pd.read_csv("Chicago_Crimes_2005_to_2007.csv",error_bad_lines=False,index_col=0)
chicago_df_2 = pd.read_csv("Chicago_Crimes_2008_to_2011.csv",error_bad_lines=False,index_col=0) 
chicago_df_3 = pd.read_csv("Chicago_Crimes_2012_to_2017.csv",error_bad_lines=False,index_col=0)
b'Skipping line 533719: expected 23 fields, saw 24\n'
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/numpy/lib/arraysetops.py:580: FutureWarning:

elementwise comparison failed; returning scalar instead, but in the future will perform elementwise comparison

b'Skipping line 1149094: expected 23 fields, saw 41\n'
# 위의 3개 데이터프레임을 하나로 합친다. 

chicago_df =  pd.concat([chicago_df_1,chicago_df_2,chicago_df_3])


# Let's view the head of the training dataset
ID Case Number Date Block IUCR Primary Type Description Location Description Arrest Domestic Beat District Ward Community Area FBI Code X Coordinate Y Coordinate Year Updated On Latitude Longitude Location
0 4673626 HM274058 04/02/2006 01:00:00 PM 055XX N MANGO AVE 2825 OTHER OFFENSE HARASSMENT BY TELEPHONE RESIDENCE False False 1622 16.0 45.0 11.0 26 1136872.0 1936499.0 2006 04/15/2016 08:55:02 AM 41.981913 -87.771996 (41.981912692, -87.771996382)
1 4673627 HM202199 02/26/2006 01:40:48 PM 065XX S RHODES AVE 2017 NARCOTICS MANU/DELIVER:CRACK SIDEWALK True False 321 3.0 20.0 42.0 18 1181027.0 1861693.0 2006 04/15/2016 08:55:02 AM 41.775733 -87.611920 (41.775732538, -87.611919814)
2 4673628 HM113861 01/08/2006 11:16:00 PM 013XX E 69TH ST 051A ASSAULT AGGRAVATED: HANDGUN OTHER False False 321 3.0 5.0 69.0 04A 1186023.0 1859609.0 2006 04/15/2016 08:55:02 AM 41.769897 -87.593671 (41.769897392, -87.593670899)
4 4673629 HM274049 04/05/2006 06:45:00 PM 061XX W NEWPORT AVE 0460 BATTERY SIMPLE RESIDENCE False False 1633 16.0 38.0 17.0 08B 1134772.0 1922299.0 2006 04/15/2016 08:55:02 AM 41.942984 -87.780057 (41.942984005, -87.780056951)
5 4673630 HM187120 02/17/2006 09:03:14 PM 037XX W 60TH ST 1811 NARCOTICS POSS: CANNABIS 30GMS OR LESS ALLEY True False 822 8.0 13.0 65.0 18 1152412.0 1864560.0 2006 04/15/2016 08:55:02 AM 41.784211 -87.716745 (41.784210853, -87.71674491)
# Let's view the last elements in the training dataset
0          04/02/2006 01:00:00 PM
1          02/26/2006 01:40:48 PM
2          01/08/2006 11:16:00 PM
4          04/05/2006 06:45:00 PM
5          02/17/2006 09:03:14 PM
6250330    05/03/2016 11:33:00 PM
6251089    05/03/2016 11:30:00 PM
6251349    05/03/2016 12:15:00 AM
6253257    05/03/2016 09:07:00 PM
6253474    05/03/2016 11:38:00 PM
Name: Date, Length: 6017767, dtype: object

비어있는 데이터가 얼마나 되는지 확인하시오.

ID                          0
Case Number                 7
Date                        0
Block                       0
IUCR                        0
Primary Type                0
Description                 0
Location Description     1974
Arrest                      0
Domestic                    0
Beat                        0
District                   89
Ward                       92
Community Area           1844
FBI Code                    0
X Coordinate            74882
Y Coordinate            74882
Year                        0
Updated On                  0
Latitude                74882
Longitude               74882
Location                74882
dtype: int64

다음 컬럼들을 삭제하시오.

‘Case Number’, ‘Case Number’, ‘IUCR’, ‘X Coordinate’, ‘Y Coordinate’,’Updated On’,’Year’, ‘FBI Code’, ‘Beat’,’Ward’,’Community Area’, ‘Location’, ‘District’, ‘Latitude’ , ‘Longitude’

chicago_df.drop(['Case Number', 'Case Number', 'IUCR', 'X Coordinate', 'Y Coordinate','Updated On','Year', 'FBI Code', 'Beat','Ward','Community Area', 'Location', 'District', 'Latitude' , 'Longitude'],axis=1,inplace=True)
ID                         0
Date                       0
Block                      0
Primary Type               0
Description                0
Location Description    1974
Arrest                     0
Domestic                   0
dtype: int64

Date 컬럼을 보니, 날짜 형식으로 되어있다. 이를 파이썬이 이해할 수 있는 날짜로 바꿔서 다시 Date 컬럼에 저장하시오.

chicago_df['Date']= pd.to_datetime(chicago_df['Date'],format = '%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p')
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 6017767 entries, 0 to 6253474
Data columns (total 8 columns):
 #   Column                Dtype         
---  ------                -----         
 0   ID                    int64         
 1   Date                  datetime64[ns]
 2   Block                 object        
 3   Primary Type          object        
 4   Description           object        
 5   Location Description  object        
 6   Arrest                bool          
 7   Domestic              bool          
dtypes: bool(2), datetime64[ns](1), int64(1), object(4)
memory usage: 332.9+ MB

Date 컬럼을 인덱스로 만드시오.

# 그룹바이 함수로는 년단위,월단위,시단위 등 단위별로 데이터 통합을 할 수가 없다
# 따라서 먼저 Data 컬럼을 인덱스로 만들어 주면 , resample 함수를 통해서 위와 같은 일들을 할수가 있다.

chicago_df.index= pd.DatetimeIndex(chicago_df['Date'])
ID Date Block Primary Type Description Location Description Arrest Domestic
2006-04-02 13:00:00 4673626 2006-04-02 13:00:00 055XX N MANGO AVE OTHER OFFENSE HARASSMENT BY TELEPHONE RESIDENCE False False
2006-02-26 13:40:48 4673627 2006-02-26 13:40:48 065XX S RHODES AVE NARCOTICS MANU/DELIVER:CRACK SIDEWALK True False
2006-01-08 23:16:00 4673628 2006-01-08 23:16:00 013XX E 69TH ST ASSAULT AGGRAVATED: HANDGUN OTHER False False
2006-04-05 18:45:00 4673629 2006-04-05 18:45:00 061XX W NEWPORT AVE BATTERY SIMPLE RESIDENCE False False
2006-02-17 21:03:14 4673630 2006-02-17 21:03:14 037XX W 60TH ST NARCOTICS POSS: CANNABIS 30GMS OR LESS ALLEY True False
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2016-05-03 23:33:00 10508679 2016-05-03 23:33:00 026XX W 23RD PL BATTERY DOMESTIC BATTERY SIMPLE APARTMENT True True
2016-05-03 23:30:00 10508680 2016-05-03 23:30:00 073XX S HARVARD AVE CRIMINAL DAMAGE TO PROPERTY APARTMENT True True
2016-05-03 00:15:00 10508681 2016-05-03 00:15:00 024XX W 63RD ST BATTERY AGGRAVATED: HANDGUN SIDEWALK False False
2016-05-03 21:07:00 10508690 2016-05-03 21:07:00 082XX S EXCHANGE AVE BATTERY DOMESTIC BATTERY SIMPLE SIDEWALK False True
2016-05-03 23:38:00 10508692 2016-05-03 23:38:00 001XX E 75TH ST OTHER OFFENSE OTHER WEAPONS VIOLATION PARKING LOT/GARAGE(NON.RESID.) True False

6017767 rows × 8 columns

범죄 유형의 갯수를 세고, 가장 많은것부터 내림차순으로 보여주세요.

chicago_df['Primary Type'].value_counts()
THEFT                                1245111
BATTERY                              1079178
CRIMINAL DAMAGE                       702702
NARCOTICS                             674831
BURGLARY                              369056
OTHER OFFENSE                         368169
ASSAULT                               360244
MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT                   271624
ROBBERY                               229467
DECEPTIVE PRACTICE                    225180
CRIMINAL TRESPASS                     171596
PROSTITUTION                           60735
WEAPONS VIOLATION                      60335
PUBLIC PEACE VIOLATION                 48403
CRIM SEXUAL ASSAULT                    22789
SEX OFFENSE                            20172
GAMBLING                               14755
LIQUOR LAW VIOLATION                   12129
ARSON                                   9269
HOMICIDE                                5879
KIDNAPPING                              4734
INTIMIDATION                            3324
STALKING                                2866
OBSCENITY                                422
PUBLIC INDECENCY                         134
OTHER NARCOTIC VIOLATION                 122
NON-CRIMINAL                              96
NON - CRIMINAL                            38
HUMAN TRAFFICKING                         28
RITUALISM                                 16
Name: Primary Type, dtype: int64

상위 15개까지만 보여주세요.

chicago_df['Primary Type'].value_counts().head(15)
THEFT                         1245111
BATTERY                       1079178
CRIMINAL DAMAGE                702702
NARCOTICS                      674831
BURGLARY                       369056
OTHER OFFENSE                  368169
ASSAULT                        360244
MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT            271624
ROBBERY                        229467
DECEPTIVE PRACTICE             225180
CRIMINAL TRESPASS              171596
PROSTITUTION                    60735
WEAPONS VIOLATION               60335
Name: Primary Type, dtype: int64
primary_type = chicago_df['Primary Type'].value_counts().head(15).index

상위 15개의 범죄 유형(Primary Type)의 갯수를, 비주얼라리징 하시오.

sns.countplot(data = chicago_df, y='Primary Type', order=primary_type)


어디에서 가장 범죄가 많이 발생했는지, 범죄 장소(Location Descripton) 로 비주얼라이징 하시오.

location_oreder = chicago_df['Location Description'].value_counts().head(15).index
sns.countplot(data = chicago_df, y='Location Description', order=location_oreder)


데이터를 주기별로 분석해 보자


# 프로펫 라이브러리를 이용해서, 시카고 범죄 건수를 예측하려고 하는데
# 아래의 데이터 프레임에는 각 날짜별로 몇건의 범죄가 발생했는지의 데이터는 없음

# 따라서 각 날짜별로 몇건의 범죄가 발생했는지를 데이터 가공해서 가져와야 한다.
ID Date Block Primary Type Description Location Description Arrest Domestic
2006-04-02 13:00:00 4673626 2006-04-02 13:00:00 055XX N MANGO AVE OTHER OFFENSE HARASSMENT BY TELEPHONE RESIDENCE False False
2006-02-26 13:40:48 4673627 2006-02-26 13:40:48 065XX S RHODES AVE NARCOTICS MANU/DELIVER:CRACK SIDEWALK True False
2006-01-08 23:16:00 4673628 2006-01-08 23:16:00 013XX E 69TH ST ASSAULT AGGRAVATED: HANDGUN OTHER False False
# resample 함수를 이용해서 날짜별로 범죄 건수를 세어보자!

# resample  함수를 사용하려면, 인덱스가 날짜 형식인, Datetimesindex 여야 한다.

df_day = chicago_df.resample('D').size()


# resample  'Y' 는 년도다. 년도로 리샘플한 후, 각 년도별 몇개의 범죄 데이터를 가지고 있는지 확인한다.
df_year = chicago_df.resample('Y').size()
# 위의 데이터를 plot 으로 시각화 한다. 범죄횟수를 눈으로 확인하자.


# 월별 범죄 발생 건수를 확인하자.
df_month = df_year = chicago_df.resample('M').size()
# 월별 범죄 발생 건수도 plot 으로 시각화 하자.


분기별 범죄 건수도 확인하자.

# 분기별 범죄 건수도 시각화 하자.
df_queter = chicago_df.resample('Q').size()


STEP #3: 데이터 준비

원별로(매달 말일) 주기로 하여 데이터프레임을 만들고, 인덱스를 리셋하시오.

chicago_prophet = chicago_df.resample('M').size()
2005-01-31    33983
2005-02-28    32042
2005-03-31    36970
2005-04-30    38963
2005-05-31    40572
2016-09-30    23235
2016-10-31    23314
2016-11-30    21140
2016-12-31    19580
2017-01-31    11357
Freq: M, Length: 145, dtype: int64

프로펫 라이브러리를 사용하려면, 날짜 컬럼은 ‘ds’ 로, 에측하려는 수치는 ‘y’로 바꿔야 합니다(필수).

chicago_prophet = chicago_prophet.reset_index()
chicago_prophet.columns =['ds','y']
ds y
0 2005-01-31 33983
1 2005-02-28 32042
2 2005-03-31 36970
3 2005-04-30 38963
4 2005-05-31 40572
... ... ...
140 2016-09-30 23235
141 2016-10-31 23314
142 2016-11-30 21140
143 2016-12-31 19580
144 2017-01-31 11357

145 rows × 2 columns

STEP #4: Prophet 으로 예측하기

prophet = Prophet()
# prophet으로 학습
INFO:numexpr.utils:NumExpr defaulting to 2 threads.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling weekly seasonality. Run prophet with weekly_seasonality=True to override this.
INFO:fbprophet:Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.

<fbprophet.forecaster.Prophet at 0x7f1ca9a5de90>

freq 조절 가능한 문자

페이스북 프로펫 페이지 예시

# 36개월로 해서 예측해보자.
future = prophet.make_future_dataframe(periods=36,freq='M')
forecast = prophet.predict(future)
plt.savefig('chart1.jpg') # 코랩과 버그가 있어 차트가 2개씩 뜨므로 하나는 저장하여 안보이게 할 수 있다.

